Nikki in Romania

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

An Interview with My Roomate

So I have been told that no one knows anything about my roomate. So here's an interview with her - that she didn't actually participate in (I wrote it all)

Reporter: Welcome to Nikki's News - A news program all about... Nikki
Deborah: Well its great to be here, thank you for having me.
Reporter: No problem, no problem. Well lets cut to the chase. Boring questions first. Name?
Deborah: Deborah Sedjo
Reporter: Hometown?
Deborah: Chicago, Ill -oh- Noise
Reporter: University and Degree?
Deborah: Wheaton College, Education.
Reporter: Family?
Deborah: Parents, two dogs, seven siblings including an identical twin sister.
Reporter: Hobbies?
Deborah: Crotch-et-ing, knitting, swimming at ridiculous hours of the morning, and reading long wierd boring books that are 'classics' but nobody that is real actually reads them.
Reporter: What do you teach?
Deborah: Highschool English. I love making vocabulary lists.
Reporter: I understand you have been blessed to be living with our founder - Nikki, for the last three months.
Deborah: that I have, that I have. And blessed I am.
Reporter: Do you have any 'inside secrets' you can share with our audience about living with Nikki?
Deborah: Well, Nikki has told me she can bake... and she tries, she really does... but that darn propane oven gets her every time! If she burns one more thing I"m going to start calling her the burninator!
Reporter: Haha hah ahah. Oh Nikki! A good heart, but bad oven skills. Have you tried her tea biscuits? Like HOCKEY PUCKS I tell you!
Deborah: Ok, ok. lets be nice. I like Nikki. We get along really well - she cultures me - makes me go to wiered historical monuments and museums.
Reporter: What is one thing that you really like about Nikki?
Deborah: That we have a nightly ritual of watching King of Queens every night at 8:12, and on Sundays after church we make soup together.
Reporter: We have been getting reports that Nikki has an accent, can you confirm this?
Deborah: Nikki 'says' she doesn't have an accent, but I and many others have noticed that she pronounces words differently than the American population that she works with. Its cute though. Sooooooohhhry, Rooooooof, Beeeeeeeeeen, Eh? Eh? Eh?
Reporter: Hah hah. I know Nikki always wanted to have an accent, but I'm pretty sure she wanted a British or Australian accent. Whats the greatest thing Nikki has taught you since you have lived together?
Deborah: I'd have to say.... gosh, there are so many things.... I never knew that Dr. Quinn could be so influential in a persons life.
Reporter: Whats the greatest thing YOU have taught Nikki?
Deborah: Probably about peace, and calmness and relying fully on the lord. I am also trying to teach her to crotch-et a hat but she is pretty much helpless in the circular-crotcheting area.
Reporter: Well thank you for speaking with us today. And audience, as always if you have more questions feel free to e-mail our organization at Until next time: Live long, laugh much and watch Dr. Quinn!


Quote of the Day

"Miss. Gerrits.... You look like an antelope today"


Today I thank the Lord for... Rob J

Today I thank the Lord for Rob J who fixed my website!!!! Whoohhooo. His comment in an e-mail today explains what happened "I dont know what you did, but *all* of your template was gone" For those of us who don't know internet lingo I'm pretty sure it interprets to something along the lines of: "What the heck were you trying to do? You ruined everything you idiot!" All I know is that one minute I was writing a post and the next minute nothing worked. I say I hate doing internet stuff... but I really missed it. So thank you Mr. Joustra for getting me up and running.

A teaching conversation yesterday:
Miss. Gerrits "Who can tell me something, anything, about the Great Depression? Does anyone remember or know what the Great Depression was?"
Joel "Miss. Gerrits I do. Its when the stock market was like bombed and it exploded. Only not really bombed, everyone put their money in it but then everyone got worried about it so they all took their money out again and everyone got poor because their were no jobs. And people were dirty and they drove wierd cars and lived on the sides of the road. AND EVERYONE ATE SOUP."
Miss. Gerrits laughs hysterically.


Sunday, November 27, 2005


please work blog! please!


Monday, November 21, 2005

please work.

Why won't my blog work?


Friday, November 18, 2005


Random artifact of the week that I have seen:
The mummified hand of St. Steven
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

89 Days

After 89 days away from my family I officially got homesick last night. I think I did pretty good to last for 89 days!


Social Struggles

I have been e-mailing a bit with my friend, my who is teaching in Japan, about what we miss and our struggles living in a different country. We realized we both have similar sentiments regarding our new social lives.

One of the things that I find most difficult living here is the fact that my social life has been drastically altered from what it used to be (and how I like it to be). In university I had a plethora of friends, I had a core group of friends (Christy, Karmyn and Sara-Beth) and then I had many other friends whom I could visit with on a whim. There was the Rob J group, the Steven Gelensey Group, the Robyn Hogan group, the Dave Groen group, the 'teachers' group, the Admissions group, Alpha Praise, Va2, Dorm 13, etc etc. Just lots of people to be friends with whenever I wanted.

Living in Romania - being away from Redeemer - I miss the flexibility I had in my social life. I have a great group of friends here, my roomate and some other teachers, but I miss the thought of knowing that if I want to hang out with someone its just a phonecall or quick walk next door away. I love my friends here, but sometimes I crave being with other people. I miss fun games, meetings, Crabby-Joe's, Sunday lunch, church, chapel, lunches, dinners, watching Dr. Quinn with people who care, Tipi tales, walmart trips and Pizza Runs.

Having my social life drastically alter in just a few short months has made me evaluate what I want in regards to friendships. Some people think that having a few very close friends is enough, but for me - I need those close friends - but also a variety of other people who have things in common with me that my close friends dont. For example I'm pretty positive that Karmyn and Christy would rather have their teeth pulled than watch Dr. Quinn or Road to Avonlea with me. But I always know that I can just call up Rob J. and he will be over in a flash to bask in the delightful glory that is Road to Avonlea. Sara-Beth is the only one that I can laugh about Tipi Tales with, and Steven will forever be my fake-boyfriend.

I know the social life I had is over and I have accepted that, but I still miss it.


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

bad to wonderful

This is the story of my morning.
Nikki wakes up at 6:15 to the sound of her alarm clock. She proceeds to turn it off and throw it on the floor. (I really did) Nikki lays in bed for another 45 minutes whining to herself about how she doesn't want to get up and how she didn't get a good sleep. Nikki wakes up, showers, complains to herself about how she doesn't have time to do her hair nice so its in a messy bun and she feels ugly. Nikki stomps to the kitchen, eats her breakfast by slamming her spoon down in her cereal. Nikki stomps down the stairs - says good morning to an old lady (whose smile at Nikki's lame attempt at Romanian does brighten her day a bit) and goes to school. She talks to herself on the way "I better have a good e-mail. If I dont have a good e-mail it means that no one likes me and I have no friends and I will be grumpy all day." Nikki checks her e-mail and has seven good ones. That cheers her up. Then her students come in and their joy brightens her day.
Its amazing how God can take a bad day - and make it wonderful.


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Things I am thankful for this wek.

1. That I am healthy.
2. That I have a naturally positive disposition and anything can make me laugh.
3. That it is cool and fresh like fall outside.
4. That I have an umbrella.
5. That I have a new friend. Her name is the Egg Lady - because she sells me my eggs.
6. That my class is wonderful and I love my job.
7. That missionaries are great people who help me live my life here.
8. That when I don't know the answers to questions my students ask I can make it sound like I do. For example "Who would like to answer that question for so and so?" or "Thats a very good question, why dont you look up the answer and then tell the class what it is." or "Well, what do you THINK is the answer to that question, who agrees with so and so?"
9. Halloween parties
10. Computers.


Ballet in Bucharest - Oh My!

This past Thursday I had the opportunity to see my very first Ballet, Swan Lake. It was AMAZING. For six dollars I got to see one of the most famous ballet's of all time. When I stepped into the theatre I felt like Christine Daae from the Phantom of the Opera. Here'some pictures.
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