After we finished our time at the Merry Cemetery we made our way to a new monastery that was being built in the area. Once again we asked locals where it was and recieved a very helpful 'over there'. We saw the spire in the distance and walked towards it. It was quite a walk but when we found it, it was amazing.
(this stone path was about 1km long and had a number of the little huts you see in the background)
The place was very quiet, in the middle of the woods down a very long stone path. There was only one person on the property, a fifty-ish old man (I just realized my dad is 50 and I referred to 50ish people as old. haha I hope he likes that). Anyways, I don't know what was wrong with me but I had to go to the bathroom about 500 times that morning so I asked the man where the bathroom was and found out that he was the grounds-keeper. He gave our group a great tour of the work-in progress monastery. He claims it is the tallest
ALL WOOD building in Europe. I think its a lie. 1. Because everyone claims there thing is the biggest and 2, because I saw 1 metal bolt, and the basement was brick so
technically it is not all wood. He also was very informative about the
hermits that live on the property. Yes there really are still hermits living in the woods. They don't talk to anyone and meet together 3 times a day to pray - silently. They don't even talk to eachother. Their only income is people paying them to pray for loved ones. It was very interesting.
This is me sitting in the 'summer chapel' outside. It was very peaceful and I really enjoyed sitting there for a few minutes by myself and praying, reminding myself that God is amazing and that he provides for our needs.
You'll also notice the bright orange pin on my vest. It says "I'm Friendly" and it is my favorite excessory. I removed it from my regular wardrobe in September because it drew too much attention to myself, but I figured a group of 8 tourists already drew a lot of attention so I pulled it out again for the trip. Wearing it again was one of the highlights of my trip. (And Esther, it's not tacky, its unique and cool!)
Other Things I Saw but Don't Have Pictures Of:Elie Wiesel's Home. - He is a very famous author/philosopher who was one of few children to survive the Concentration Camps
Jewish Memorial
- To the people who survived the Holocaust. Northern Romania had a large Jewish population before the war and now there are only a few Jewish families left.
Communism Museum- In an old jail. It was GIGANTIC and full of information, it was really interesting. There was even an exhibit on Richard Wrumbrant - a Romanian Christian who preached the Gospel during Communism and was jailed, and tortured for many years under the Communist government of Romania. (A good Read: "Tortured for Christ" by Richard Wrumbrant - just don't read it before bed)